Amanda Listens’
A space to share my thoughts, concerns, dreams, and aspirations for advocacy and social change.
Setting Boundaries in an Inaccessible World
When access needs are not considered, boundaries can be crossed to gain some access. Long term, this is not helpful when living with a disability. Read to learn how important setting boundaries can be and how it can help with your access needs.
Stop Preaching Self-Advocacy: Navigating an Inaccessible World
Self-advocacy is a common tool that is preached to persons with disabilities to obtain the access they need. But should it be? Learn about how self-advocacy is currently being preached, how it should be utilized, and where the line is to switch over to greater advocacy.
3 Reasons a Diagnosis is Important!
A diagnosis means something to a person with a disability. While it should not be the key to participation, it can open doors to informed decision-making and quality of life. Read three reason why a diagnosis can be crucial.