There is one thing you really need to know about accessibility
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Accessibility is important. From creating an accessible environment to considering needs in advance, we should be creating spaces for everyone. However, there is a lot of information out there explaining how much should be considered when making an environment and experience accessible which can highlight the emotions of confusion and overwhelm for people.
I get it. There are many disabilities that have different standards of access needs. Each person also has their own access needs to consider to make it inclusive for them. It can be a lot to know where to start and how to maintain processes for accessibility and inclusion.
So what is the most important information to know about accessibility and accommodations?
The world is inaccessible.
Let me explain. There has been quite a bit of work done to get to where we are in terms of disability inclusion and accessibility. More understanding, awareness, and legislation tends to be the key movements for the general public. However, the stigma and attitudes about and towards persons with disabilities is still strongly negative.
People who do not live with a disability do not know how inaccessible or unsafe spaces can be since they do not live the experience. On the surface, we are doing a lot, there are more elevators, accessible ramps and doors, audio-visual communications systems, and so much more. But it is not everywhere. It is not even at the same level or care as those without accessibility considerations. Making the assumption that spaces have enough accessibility consideration is a harmful one.
It is important to remember that we have not reached the standard of accessibility that is needed to no longer have to ask those questions. Now knowing the most important consideration to make, how do you navigate that?
Well, accessibility requires you to take the initiative. Persons with disabilities do quite a bit of advocacy for their access needs on a regular basis. Having more people to help by also informing spaces that are inaccessible of their gaps and room for improvement is crucial. Especially if it is business and monetary incentive is involved.
By taking the initiative means that you are looking for those gaps and adding services for improved accessibility. Make those decisions before the person who needs it has to ask.
It is okay to request information. Whether it is access needs to make sure that the experience will be as accessible and inclusive as possible to gathering information to know what to look for. First Voice, also known as persons with disabilities, are your most valuable resource in this process.
In order for all of this to work and to continue to learn and improve, make sure you have an open line of communication. Asking about accessibility and accommodations as a person with a disability is a common practice but typically only happens one way. This leads persons with disabilities being completely unaware if their request or concern is being heard. Having and maintaining the line of communication means that you can show that you are trying to make it accessible but also receive information that you may be unaware of. Without that communication, you may never reach an accessible space and experience until you are forced to comply with the law.