Amanda Listens’
A space to share my thoughts, concerns, dreams, and aspirations for advocacy and social change.
Action Into Passion: Your Journey to Activism and Advocacy
Have you ever questioned why you do activism or advocacy work? This blog post will explore how to turn action into passion for doing activism and advocacy work through the seven lessons I learned along my journey so far.
So, I did NaNoWriMo.
I reached 50,000 word count goal in a writing challenge called NaNoWriMo. Learn more about why I chose to do NaNoWriMo, my process, and how I did it!
International Day of Persons with Disabilities
December 3rd is International Day of Persons with Disabilities! There are different ways to celebrate International Day of Persons with Disabilities so read to learn more about what the day is and what you can do for it.
Journey to Universal Design: What does it take to be accessible and inclusive
Universal Design is a process. It is not something that can be developed and implemented in an instant. There are principles, steps, and considerations to make into your process. Learn more how these key steps are important and how it can be included in your process effectively.
Adapting to Never-Ending Changes: Systems Challenges
Change is always hard. However as a disabled person, change can affect all aspects of day to day life to the point that the ability to do certain tasks you used to do is heavily reduced. Learn how changes can impact as a person with a disability, especially with technology and choices.
Is it worth it? Activism and Advocacy
Activism and advocacy is hard. You likely enter the work with the energy and passion to make change you care about, only to be faced with difficulties and turmoil on whether it is worth it to continue on. Come explore why the question will keep popping up and how to evaluate your decision for yourself.
Is it Accessible? : The Approach to Accommodation Policies
An accessibility accommodation policy is typically in place when the space is inaccessible to persons with disabilities. Is this really the approach to an accessible and inclusive society? Read about how accommodation polices are designed and what is missing throughout the process.
3 Reasons a Diagnosis is Important!
A diagnosis means something to a person with a disability. While it should not be the key to participation, it can open doors to informed decision-making and quality of life. Read three reason why a diagnosis can be crucial.
A Diagnosis Should not be the Key to Participation
When your body is different than what is consider an abled bodied person, a diagnosis means everything. As the healthcare system is struggling with the increasing demand and pressure, many people who are searching for that answer is waiting to fully get the supports to meaningfully participate in society. Do you want that?
Being Part of Social Movements and Change is Radical
In social movements, the radicals are the ones that get the most mainstream media attention and shapes the public’s perception of activism. Do you know that there are more roles in a movement? Even better, being radical can exist anywhere when advocating for social change. Read to learn how working within the system can also utilize the radical energy.
Living with Disabilities: What Does That Mean?
As the society we live in puts emphasis on healthy as a fully abled bodied person, living with a disability is still seen as inferior and less than. Ableism impacts us all, so read more to gain insight on how much accessibility is crucial to both the disability community and for all.
5 Ways to Make Activism a Little Easier When You Are Overwhelmed
The struggle to find motivation to continue can be difficult if you are overwhelmed with the problem. Learn 5 ways that you can utilize to make activism a little easier to be part of your life when you are overwhelmed.
How Do They Identify?: Personal Identity vs Group Identity
Have you ever heard of one person’s identity and then try to refer to the entire group with the same term and it is not correct? Learn how there is a different between personal an group identity and how you can find out how people would like to be referred to as.
If You Can Only Do One Action For Accessibility, Here is The Tip.
With the many different ways that accessibility is needed throughout our interactions and spaces, the steps to take can be overwhelming when you do not know where to start. Take this one tip that can help with all aspects of creating an accessible and inclusive society.
4 Ways Embracing Your Identity Can Find Your Freedom
Identity is hard. It is a phrase to sum up all your lived experience so that people know your unique position in society. Learn about the 4 ways that embracing your identity can take you where you want to go.
5 Approaches to Take to Accept Your Disability
Accepting your disability is quite a journey. With many ways to learn the value of living with a disability, each person approach is unique. Learn the 5 approaches that Amanda took to accept her disability to take on your journey.
Visualizing Deaf and Disabled: From Amanda’s Perspective
Amanda’s two disabilities feel very different from each other. Read t o understand how her artwork best visualize her feelings on her two disabilities and balancing those in her life.
The Most Crucial Step to Embrace Your Disability Identity
Gaining a disability is life-changing, especially if you gain it later in life. Getting a diagnosis for a disability that has always been there is freeing. But losing something that you can vividly remember experiencing is difficult to let go. Learn what Amanda sees is the key step to embracing the disability identity from her journey.
Accessing International Conversations
Being in the international cooperation sector for two years now, it is time to reflect on the inaccessibility in the sector. Is there still hope to improve disability inclusion in the sector?
Quick Tips for Accessibility: Path to Disability Inclusion
Accessibility can be overwhelming when it is not considered from the start. It does not mean that action cannot be taken to improve experiences for persons with disabilities. Read to get an overview of why accessibility in design is important and some quick tips for whatever stage you are in.