Amanda Listens’
A space to share my thoughts, concerns, dreams, and aspirations for advocacy and social change.
Journey to Universal Design: What does it take to be accessible and inclusive
Universal Design is a process. It is not something that can be developed and implemented in an instant. There are principles, steps, and considerations to make into your process. Learn more how these key steps are important and how it can be included in your process effectively.
Being Part of Social Movements and Change is Radical
In social movements, the radicals are the ones that get the most mainstream media attention and shapes the public’s perception of activism. Do you know that there are more roles in a movement? Even better, being radical can exist anywhere when advocating for social change. Read to learn how working within the system can also utilize the radical energy.
Living with Disabilities: What Does That Mean?
As the society we live in puts emphasis on healthy as a fully abled bodied person, living with a disability is still seen as inferior and less than. Ableism impacts us all, so read more to gain insight on how much accessibility is crucial to both the disability community and for all.