Amanda Listens’
A space to share my thoughts, concerns, dreams, and aspirations for advocacy and social change.
Accessing Media and Information Literacy
We need media and information literacy. In the digital world, we are surrounded by more media and information than ever before at the tips of our fingers. As the media is utilized to connect with us, it is crucial to know how to engage with the media.
Media’s Role in Global Issues
Media is a major consumption of information for the general public that can influence how we perceived global issues. Learn how narratives can play a significant role and how you can utilize the media.
World Youth Skills Day | Illustrating Disability
World Youth Skills Day started in 2024 to annually celebrate the strategic importance of equipping young people with skills for employment, decent work and entrepreneurship on July 15th. Learn about the connection to youth with disabilities.
Connecting Human Rights and The Ability to Choose
It is hard to think that change is needed when you do not know the alternatives or different experiences connected to human rights. Read to see how knowledge and existence of rights should allow the ability to have choices in society.
Factors that Impact Policy Change
In order to act for change, understanding of what factors affects policy change is crucial to the success of action. Learn about the different factors as a starting point to examine the potential impact for social change.
World Day of Safety and Health at Work | Illustrating Disability
World Day for Safety and Health at Work is on April 28th to internationally recognize the need for a healthy and safe working environment and prevent harm in the workplace. Persons with disabilities is a crucial part of this discussion. Learn more about how understanding and including the disability experience is important.
6 Qualities to Design a Better World
There are many ways to contribute to taking action. However, there are qualities tht can make taking action to design a better world a little easier (and more fun). Read to see what the 6 qualities are.
International Day of Happiness
International Day of Happiness happens annually on March 20th to recognize happiness as a goal in order to drive an equitable, inclusive approach to well-being. Learn more about different aspects of happiness and actions that can help persons with disabilities.
Importance of Policies to Take Effective Action
When you need to make decisions that affects someone’s needs and rights, policies and procedures are develop to meet the gaps that exist in our society. Learn how important it is to know about the policy process to effectively take action.
Reflecting on International Women's Day in 2024
Reflecting on the time on doing advocacy work including the intersectionality of gender equality. Read more to learn what I have learned over the years on women and girls rights.
Is The “Best Approach” How We Should Be Developing Our Policies?
We are always looking for the “best approach.” From our personal lives to policy decision-making, there is pressure to make the most optimal decision. But, should it be how we approach solving problems in our communities? Read more to see why this idea exists and why it may also cause issues when improving society.
Social Justice | Illustrating Disability
As World Social Justice Day is coming up on February 20th, let’s have a conversation on the connection of disability and social justice. Exploring poverty, employment, and the stigma and attitudes that exists for people with disabilities, learn how importance social justice is and how you can contribute to the change.
Connecting the Thread of Global Work to Local Work
When considering activism and advocacy, many times, it is the personal connection and local impact that motivates people to do the work. How do we not work in silo? Read to learn how connecting global concepts to local work can help you work.
Action Into Passion: Your Journey to Activism and Advocacy
Have you ever questioned why you do activism or advocacy work? This blog post will explore how to turn action into passion for doing activism and advocacy work through the seven lessons I learned along my journey so far.
Is it worth it? Activism and Advocacy
Activism and advocacy is hard. You likely enter the work with the energy and passion to make change you care about, only to be faced with difficulties and turmoil on whether it is worth it to continue on. Come explore why the question will keep popping up and how to evaluate your decision for yourself.
Being Part of Social Movements and Change is Radical
In social movements, the radicals are the ones that get the most mainstream media attention and shapes the public’s perception of activism. Do you know that there are more roles in a movement? Even better, being radical can exist anywhere when advocating for social change. Read to learn how working within the system can also utilize the radical energy.
5 Ways to Make Activism a Little Easier When You Are Overwhelmed
The struggle to find motivation to continue can be difficult if you are overwhelmed with the problem. Learn 5 ways that you can utilize to make activism a little easier to be part of your life when you are overwhelmed.
Accessing International Conversations
Being in the international cooperation sector for two years now, it is time to reflect on the inaccessibility in the sector. Is there still hope to improve disability inclusion in the sector?
Barriers to International Conversations: My Experience at CSW67 as an ICN Youth Delegate
Imagine having an amazing opportunity to go to the United Nations Headquarters to be part of international conversations but you cannot participate due to lack of accessibility accommodations. That was my experience at CSW67. Read to learn what I did, how I navigated the barriers, and what I learned to help provide more access to international conversations
5 Ways to Navigate Global Issues for Collective Momentum
Global Issues can be overwhelming. As people are trying to balance local, national, and global issues, learn five ways to navigate global issues that can move towards greater collaboration among different priorities and issues.