Start Updating, not Following: Improving Accessibility in Your Work

“Start Updating, not Following: Improving Accessibility in Your Work,” in the centre on a navy background. Blue blobs at the top and bottom opposite corners with pink outline blobs.

Right now, accessibility is a topic of conversation when regulations, policies, and laws are being developed and implemented to make environments accessible for everyone. With accessibility currently being invested and discussed in the community, there is a strong reaction to follow whatever the authority in your area deems necessary to do. While important to do what is expected by the government, it is critical to acknowledge that right now, we are in a unique position where people and organizations are still working and trying to find the right solutions to approach a massive, interconnected challenge. 

With the many resources, trainings, and guidelines coming in people’s attention when considering accessibility, following what everyone is doing exactly does not consider the unique situation of the resources, capacity and process that organizations have and people’s individual needs. So instead of following, the focus should be on updating your processes. 

This requires you to ask these questions when implementing accessibility in your process to create an accessible and inclusive environment. 

  • How can these guidelines fit into our process?

  • Does the process need to change to accommodate it?

  • What is something that needs to be improved/looked out for to implement the guidelines?

  • What is your responsibility and what is your responsibility of informing instead of doing?

  • When is it an “every time” activity and what is an “as needed” activity? “Every time” means needing to make sure it is fully accessible in the activity and “as needed” is when accommodations approach may be better suited.

  • What restrictions do you need to know for the “as needed” activities to best accommodate and provide the access needed?

  • What logistics now need to be updated to include those needs and perspectives?

With these questions I have highlighted above, it provides a much needed reflection of where you are at in the organization with your activities and where you need and can go to. Following what everyone is doing may not encourage the action to analyze your processes to better create the experience for everyone involved from the people doing the work to what the work is for. Are you taking the time to look at your processes and update accordingly to best provide access to your activities?


Connecting Human Rights and The Ability to Choose


Tips to Improve Accessibility During a Busy Time